Epäsuora puhe: toiveet, aikomukset ja lupaukset

Toiveista, aikomuksista ja lupauksista kertominen

Kun kerrotaan aikomuksesta, toiveesta tai lupauksesta, käytetään arvioittavaa verbiä, jonka jälkeen tulee 'that' lause, jonka sisällä on 'would', tai to-infinitiivilause. Tällä tapaa käytettäviä verbejä on muun muassa: hope, promise, threaten, guarantee, & swear. Huomaa, että sana 'that' on vapaaehtoinen kun käytetään that-lausetta, kuten ensimmäisessä esimerkissä alla.

Suora puhe Epäsuora puhe
"I'll pay you the money tomorrow," he said. He promised to pay me the money the next day. TAI
He promised that he would pay me the money the next day. TAI
He promised he would pay me the money the next day.
"I'll be back by lunchtime," he said. He promised to be back by lunchtime. TAI
He promised that he would be back by lunchtime.
"We should arrive in London before nightfall," they said. They hoped to arrive in London before nightfall. TAI
They hoped they would arrive in London before nightfall.
"Give me the keys to the safe or I'll shoot you!" he shouted. He threatened to shoot me if I didn't give him the keys to the safe. TAI
He threatened that he would shoot me if I didn't give him the keys to the safe.
"I will not tell anyone your secret" he said. He swore that he would not tell anyone my secret. TAI
He swore not to tell anyone my secret.